Messy Success Episode 11: Live A Legacy Out Loud | Elizabeth Henson Photos

Messy Success Episode 11: Live A Legacy Out Loud

Questions Answered in this Episode

    • How have I approached my digital legacy?
    • What is my intention and my goal with all the content I am posting, especially personal content?

Show Notes

Legacy: of, relating to, associated with, or carried over from an earlier time, technology, business, etc.
Something that has been passed on by those who lived in the past

Our Digital Legacy

I’m a sharer of my family, my children, all the things! But often the question comes up about what’s an appropriate amount of information to share about our lives and our children. Some people make the decision to not share anything about their kids on social media.

The truth is that we don’t know what our children are going to think about their online presence, but I’ve made the choice to leave a digital legacy for my kids of moments big and small that they will be able to look back and read. To that end, I try to live very consciously and intentionally and try to do two things: 1) be true to myself and be as authentically me as possible and 2) to do things that will make my family proud.

As we discussed last week, we have a responsibility to use our platforms for good, whether that’s big or small. I want my daughters to know that they can do and be whatever they want. I model that daily by living this entrepreneur life. Even if that is not what they want for their futures, I don’t want them to think there’s only one possible solution or outcome. By living my dream and documenting it, I hope they know that they can do the same thing!

Ultimately, you have to make the decision about what is right for you and your family when it comes to how much you want to share about your lives on social media. It may seem like I share every detail, but there are plenty of things that I consciously decide to leave off a public platform. You just need to find what works for you and your family.

It’s going to be a whole new world when our kids start to grow up and have all of this information about their childhoods at their disposal. It’s hard to know what that will look like, but I hope that my daughters know how determined I am to make this world better just for them.

Photo by Heidi Calma


  • Your digital legacy is up to you to determine.
  • Be intentional about what you post on social media, whether you decide to share a little bit or a lot.

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