I had a moment today. I was driving to Office Max in the pouring rain because I needed to print something tonight, and if you know me, procrastination is totally not in my nature. I realized, this is the kind of moment when I usually lose it. Things happened out of my control, and it caused me to do something last-minute, that totally threw off my nighty to-do list. This is when I usually melt down, cry, get really grumpy, or just shut down.
But I didn’t.
Wait a minute…this was the perfect chance for a full-blown huffy puffy mess…..
Then I got to thinking…. I have not really had one of those moments in a while. I mean it’s not like I was happy, or in a good mood LOL. But I didn’t completely lose it!
So what is different? Cause goodness; I’m as busy as ever. I work a full-time day job, I run my business after Gracie goes to bed or whenever I can sneak in an email or two. I have a list of books I’m dying to read, business lists that need to get done, I go to yoga at least twice a week…. I mean I don’t want to one-up anyone or anything, but there are few people on this planet that can fit more into their day than I do. So I was sitting here trying to figure out what has changed…..and I really just think it is a few things.
- Even with this busy crazy life, I’m super happy and fulfilled. No matter how bad a day I have or how stressed I get, that part remains constant.
My mindset has changed. I have stopped trying to be super woman. I used to feel like I failed every day I didn’t accomplish the world. I read somewhere recently (I can’t remember where) but if you have big dreams or big goals and hardly any time…. get one thing done a day that will help you reach that goal. ONE THING. That stuck with me. So today I answered emails and I blogged. It’s not much, nor is it my huge to-do list. But it can be enough. See when I shut down or give up, I wouldn’t have the same connection to my goal as I will now. Tomorrow I wake up post my blog, and answer more emails and pick up where I left off tonight. It keeps things moving AND that connection to my goal. One thing… that makes it so much more attainable.
I have stopped focusing on all the things I didn’t do or can’t do. Seriously, I used to obsess over all the work I didn’t get done. I would get crazy business anxiety until I could get to work. I started making lists (yes I know I’m so late to the game on that one) and it really helps me prioritize and get things done. WRITING IT DOWN DOES HELP! Now before bed, I know exactly what I DID accomplish.
This one is really crazy. Just recently, like super recently. I have actually asked my husband for help. Yes, if you know me at all, you probably just lost your breath. I never ask for help! But yep, I did it! And of course he helped with no complaint because I’m married to a saint. But for me that was a big step.
So while I don’t know exactly the reason why I didn’t melt down today, I really think it has a lot to do with some of these small yet huge changes I have made. Most of them just to my way of thinking. Sometimes a good cry will do the trick…. I’m not hating on a good cry! But today I had almost no emotion, I just did what had to be done, and big deal, my office time was pushed back an hour or so. The world didn’t end. YAY ME!!!!
Photo Credit: Bethanne Arthur Photography