Social Media Marketing – OMG | Elizabeth Henson Photos

Social Media Marketing – OMG

Social Media and Marketing is such a HUGE topic…. I’m not really going to touch on much except that WOW is this a HUGE part of this job.    The Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and blogging.    It is all such an important part of building a business in this crazy time we live in.    And it is WORK.   Like an actual part of my job.    Yes it can be fun, and it probably looks like I just play online at night… but it is so much more than that.

And typically it is not really that gratifying…..kind of thankless for lack of a better word.

BUT there are moments when you realize that all this work is paying off…. you know the….. putting myself out there, find stuff to talk about, networking, learning, hash tagging, etc…. yikes!

Well my 2015 brides are living proof that it is paying off.    I’m booking brides that are FREAKING AWESOME!   As I’m meeting these girls to shoot engagements I just can’t get over how they are all my ideal client.   I’m attracting the right client BECAUSE I’m putting my crazy self “out there.”

-One adorable bride said “I love your blog so much”…. I about fell over right then and there…. YES you mean someone is READING IT?!

-Last night I had coffee with my first Instagram Bride (yup, that’s where she found me #awesome)!  And OMG she is just the best thing ever, I have this feeling we are going to be  going on many more Starbucks dates!

-Some of my brides actually like photography, and they let me talk nerdy about it!  SWEEEET!

There are so many little moments that happen, where I realize, that all these little things are paying off.   Sometimes days or weeks go by and you feel like you are just talking to no one……. but when the little things happen it is time for a FIST PUMP…. little things are awesome <3

2015 is going to be such an awesome year!   #BestBrides


