That moment when you can’t find the words……… I held off on writing this post about my first wedding print feature. I was simply trying to find the right words. Trying to gather my thoughts and put this indescribable feeling into a blog post….. The feeling is awesome, yes. I know I put in hard work to get here, and I know that my pictures have a little to do with it. But really this is mostly about my relationship with people. And I’m so full of gratitude.
First and foremost I want to recognize my 2nd shooter. Bethanne was a huge part of this wedding. This was a wedding where we REALLY needed two shooters. The boys were getting ready in a totally different location, and then they were going out on the boat. I couldn’t be with the bride and groom at the same time. I’m so glad I had a great 2nd shooter that I could trust to capture so many aspects of this day! Bethanne is super talented, multitasking mama of two, and a good friend. I’m so grateful I had her with me to shoot this wedding! You can check her out here.
So how is this mostly about my relationship with people and not about pretty pictures? Tons of people take pretty pictures, tons. And I’m not taking credit away from my hard work to get my images where they are. But I’m just saying that alone is not enough. You have to network your tail off in this industry. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY you have to serve people, take care of your brides and grooms. Treat them like you want your family treated, love them. Knowing that my brides and grooms are happy with their experience and their images feels greater than any magazine feature. But DUH… see my work in a tangible magazine is really an indescribable feeling. And yes I am celebrating that and giving myself a pat on the back.
Kallen and Kyle were so adorable and had this amazing wedding with the awesome tie story! I mean they really get the credit for getting us the feature. With out a fun wedding with a great story, pictures are just pictures YAY for beach weddings, I think it looks so great, with so much life, and such a good representation of their day! You can really see what a great time they had. OMG her dance with her dad was epic!
Here is our spread!
Something about seeing your work in a magazine and being able to hold it, touch it, flip the pages!
OMG and here comes the really emotional part. My feature is literally right next to my mentor Amanda’s feature. To be next to her in print….. truly no words. I almost feel undeserving in a way…. but extremely honored at the same time. I know I put in the work, but she helped me gain the tools, she paved the way in a scary industry, and I’m humbled to be next to her in any situation!
Oh and here is Gracie checking out the magazine!
You can see the magazine at many local wedding industry distributors’ locations, or the virtual version of the magazine online at: http://www.
Yay!! Thanks Kallen and Kyle for choosing me to capture you amazing wedding Thanks Bethanne for being a rocking 2nd shooter!