Why I’m one of ‘those people’ who LOVES snow | Elizabeth Henson Photos

Why I’m one of ‘those people’ who LOVES snow

So yes….. I’m one of those obnoxious people that does a happy dance when there is a chance of snow. I always have been.   But I know why….. and I don’t care if some people roll their eyes when I get all excited like a little kid watching the weather report.

A snow day is a REAL day off…..  no appointments, PJ’s all day long, a real-life break.    Well for me at least, I hate that my husband always has to truck his way to work regardless……but the world must go on, I get it.

The snow is beautiful, it is this rare thing that hardly ever happened where  I grew up in NC, and here in Virginia Beach, it seemed just as rare until these last few years.    I really hope for at least one good snow every year…  It means life slows down, and there’s more time with family.

I LOVED being stuck at home with my baby girl this week.   Memories were made and she even started walking!    So when I have to go back and have make up day, I don’t mind a bit, because a planned day off is totally different than unexpected day off.   I plan every minute of my life it seems sometimes….. so having a few days of ZERO plans is a pretty special thing.



