So for the past few weeks I have been wanting to put together an “I’m not perfect” blog. What the heck is that? Well…. I have been taught by the blogger world… you never want to be too perfect…. it is boring! People can’t relate, they want drama, they want nitty-gritty. Well I’m definitely NOT perfect! But a problem I run into is that I am an extremely positive and upbeat person, so is VERY un natural for me to publicly complain about stuff….. I don’t like negative energy, so I never want to bring that!
So why did I want to blog about being NOT perfect…..?? Well I have to say this….. I get it now! I have seen a few people on Social Media that are just too stinking perfect. Like come on already, say something naughty! I have even found myself being slightly “turned off” by such a “perfect” persona. Because I’m just like any other consumer/reader I want entertainment! haha…. Well not really that, but people want to feel like they know you. So while I might love a photographers (or any other business’s) product…. If I don’t feel emotionally attached or invested in their personality I’m probably not going to do more than just appreciate their pretty work. And that is fine too…. but someone who stands out (for being awesomely imperfect) I’m probably going to rave about, obsess over, and eventually be so dying to meet them OR buy their product.
So…. I wish I had some better drama for you but here goes nothing! MY HOUSE IS WINNING!!! You know the battle of the busy mom and the house…. YES THAT ONE! Tonight I almost had a melt down because I was scrambling to pack up for tomorrow, couldn’t find stuff, then it became less about the stuff, and more irritated that I couldn’t find it! I wanted to stomp around and throw a fit because everything is so un organized in this house sometimes. Like I JUST SAW THIS BOOK TWO DAYS AGO! Ugh… So I vented to Mark, stomped around, and eventually showered and forgot all about it. The house is messy (not dirty, there is a difference lol) … the dogs are out of control, and that is an area of my life that I do NOT have together!
There is a huge struggle when I work from home. Get work done or do chores? This is why I have to leave the house most of the time to work. I can focus and not be distracted by all the stuff that should get done but doesn’t. It is truly hard not to feel guilty about it daily, not to worry about it, it is hard to let it go….
So…. Do you love me any less now that you know my house is a wreck? Eh, who cares. Don’t be perfect…. perfect is annoying.