Messy Success Episode 8: How to Gain Confidence and Change Your Outcome | Elizabeth Henson Photos

Messy Success Episode 8: How to Gain Confidence and Change Your Outcome

Questions Answered in this Episode

    • How do you change your mind to change your reality and gain confidence as an entrepreneur or an artist or in any other aspect of your life?
    • What’s the one simple thing you can do to make a dream a reality?
    • What is something you can do today to build your confidence?

Show Notes

How to Gain Confidence and Change Your Outcome

Mindset can spill into anything we want to invite into our life. If we want to be business owners, if we want to book more clients, if we want to start a business, we have to show up and do the work. Because we’re showing up and doing the work, our confidence is going to build. If you just start doing, your mindset will follow and you can perceive yourself completely differently.

Schedule Your Goals

Being busy isn’t everything. My fall is super packed, but I knew going into it that I wanted to really plan out my time so that I wasn’t just “busy.” We have the ability to plan what our lives are going to look like and we shouldn’t sacrifice the things we want to do because of a lack of time.

It’s not just about business – for me, it has been fitness. Since having my younger daughter, fitness was really on the back burner for me. Recently, I’ve made a plan to incorporate back into my life and I’ve felt my confidence soar. It’s changed the excuse story I was telling myself – that I didn’t have time, that I didn’t care, that it wasn’t worth stressing over. Instead, I took control. It’s out there for you, too, if you just go looking for it, whether it’s a goal for your business, your creativity, or any other aspect of your life.

Quote:  “If you talk about it, it’s a dream,  If you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.  

How can you schedule in that big thing that you have wanted to do? Sometimes, it’s just about finding the time and just making it happen.  The confidence will follow.

Set a Goal, Achieve It, and See Your Confidence Soar

What happens when you have a crazy idea and you put it out in the world and it actually works? I know I’m addicted to making plans and following through with them, because it gives me the confidence to keep trying and keep making goals. It can sometimes be challenging to gain confidence as an entrepreneur, because it feels like we are putting ourselves out there and not always getting the results we are looking for. But by continuing to show up, try, and cross those goals off our list, we’ll see our confidence grow and our businesses will be better because of it.


  • Build your confidence by showing up and doing the thing, whatever it may be!
  • Schedule your goals to make them realities.
  • If you set a goal and actually work on it, I think you’ll find yourself a lot more confident.

gain confidence

Important Links & Resources

Hampton Roads Creative Network

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Fit Body Boot Camp Website 

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