Messy Success Episode 09: 5x Your Productivity and Momentum in Your Business | Elizabeth Henson Photos

Messy Success Episode 09: 5x Your Productivity and Momentum in Your Business

Questions Answered in this Episode

    • How can hiring help for your business have unexpected benefits?
    • What’s the best way to make a dream a reality?
    • What will knowing your goals do for you and your business?

Show Notes

5x Your Productivity and Momentum in Your Business

I have a lot going on, between my mastermind classes, creative network, this podcast, and my wedding photography business. You guys know from previous podcast episodes that I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, but it was so important to me that my wedding photography business didn’t suffer because of these additional projects. To keep the photography side of my business successful and also still have time to explore new passions and new projects in my business, I’ve learned some amazing productivity enhancing tips and tricks that I’m so excited to share with you today!

Productivity Tip # 1: Hire a team

When I first began thinking about outsourcing my business, I was just thinking about the time I’d get back when I outsourced a specific task. There’s also the investment piece – it costs money to get help. But I’m here to tell you that hiring a team has had such an unexpected impact on my productivity. yes, I have more time, but it’s also helped me develop systems and workflows that prioritize getting things done and getting them done early. When someone else was depending on me to get their work turned around, it made me much more motivated to get many of these tasks done. In the end, I’m getting double my return on my investment when it comes to my team, because I’m getting the accountability and structure to my workflow that I’ve always needed.

Productivity Tip #2: Schedule in Your Dreams

If there is something that you really want to do, you need to schedule time with yourself. Plan out time to work on those dreams, even if it’s 6 months from now. 

Productivity Tip #3: Find your Community

I’ve become so much more productive since I’ve surrounded myself daily with women who love to grow their business, love to work, and are excited about their business. We are waking up every morning sharing what we’re excited about and what we’re anxious about.

Productivity Tip #4: Clarity

Know what you want out of your business and know where you’re going. It’s so much easier to be productive when you know exactly what you want out of your business or a project. The easier it is to make productive and efficient steps to get there.

Productivity Tip #5: Don’t overbook yourself

Know what you want out of your business and know where you’re going. It’s so much easier to be productive when you know exactly what you want out of your business or a project. The easier it is to make productive and efficient steps to get there.

5x Your Productivity and Momentum in Your Business


  • If you never take time to work on your dreams and overbook yourself, you won’t be helping your business grow in the long term.
  • Knowing what you want to get out of your business will help you achieve those goals.
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe, of course!

Important Links & Resources


Team members mentioned:




Hampton Roads Creative Network:

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Shout out:

Tatiana Hill | Tea Eagle Boutique | Website | Instagram | Facebook 

