The hardest part about running a creative business | Elizabeth Henson Photos

The hardest part about running a creative business

The hardest part about running a creative business.

There are not many things about this life that I would consider “easy.”  But nothing worth having is easy right?  I mean isn’t that what they say!?

But there’s ONE thing that we, creative women entrepreneurs, battle every single day.  And if you don’t then you are a liar.  And that is self-doubt.  Some women become more comfortable with it, and some are so comfortable the seem invincible.  But it still exists.

People often tell me how confident I seem… and I really laugh because I’m truly not.  I’m just like everyone else.  I would not say I lack confidence, but as I have mentioned before in one of my videos confidence is a choice.  You can choose to battle the doubt, to put one foot in front of the other.  Because this life is so worth the fight.

Social media makes the self-doubt even bigger and scarier.  Every single day.  And for me it is not even comparison to others because I really don’t have any freaking time to pay attention to what anyone else is doing.  I try to interact with my network, and I watch some Insta-stories over lunch breaks.  But for the most part I’m so knee-deep in my own to-do list than I don’t fall victim to the comparison game.  BUT I do fall victim to the self-doubt and the comparison to the ME that I WANT to be.  The thinner, funnier, more interesting me.  Ok just kidding, I’m pretty funny if you actually know me.  And thank you weight watchers for getting me down 13 lbs. so far. But for real though….  the me that I want to be is so damn awesome I just can’t compete. Oh gosh and she most definitely has a clean and awesomely decorated house.

 So if you ask me what is the single most difficult part of running a business…. hands down the answer is the same every time.  We just have to learn how to suppress the doubt and keep chugging.  Because really what is the worst that could happen?  people laugh?  they judge?  Something you put out there fails?  who cares, all of those things are going to happen anyway so we might as well try.  People will always laugh and judge us.  But if we laugh at ourselves and try our best then none of that matters.

I’d rather live THIS life flopping and failing and being laughed at, than wonder “what if.”

I will never have to wonder “what if” I started my business.  “What if” I quit my day job.  “What if” I did things my own way.

Yes there are fears and doubts, but there are ZERO regrets.  And that’s a pretty great way to live if you ask me.

So do something scary this week… then email me to tell me what you did!  I LOVE notes in my inbox.  If I’m ever so busy that I stop enjoying friendly emails then its time to throw in the towel.  I mean it, I wanna hear your big scary amazing accomplishments!

 My aunt bought me this shirt and it makes me feel beautiful….. and nothing makes me feel more empowered and PROUD of myself than holding my banged up Nikon D4.  Do the things my friends!

Shout out to Erin Ammons who took this picture <3

If you ever want to dig deeper you are ALWAYS welcome in our group for creative dreamers and over achievers!

